Why Goals Get In The Way

It seems counterintuitive. 

Shouldn't I focus more on my goal if I want to achieve it?

The latest in motivational research says we shouldn’t.

The reason lies in how we’re wired as humans. It turns out we’re hardwired to choose immediate gratification over longterm benefits.

And, of course, this directly applies to our exercise goals. 

Goals may get us started, but they don’t sustain us.

So instead of holding your goals with a “clinched fist” , loosen your grip and change your focus toward the benefits that you're receiving from exercise right now

Your goal may happen down the road, several months from now, but that distant outcome doesn't give us fuel for today.

Instead, hold your goal with a “loose fist” and keep your focus on the benefits you receive immediately: stress-relief, improved focus, elevated mood, increased confidence, all the happy brain chemicals being released, more energy, enjoyment from social interactions etc.