How To Get "Fit" Without It Consuming Your Life

Somewhere along the way, fitness became something that you have to support, rather than something that supports your life.The trend lately is around orienting your life around fitness, rather than using fitness as a tool to support what you love most.

But does this help you create the life that you really want?

Fitness that is good for outside the gym, rather than just inside, takes a different approach.

For those just starting fitness, you’re probably turned off by the “all or nothing” message thats so prevalent.

But may feel like that's the only way because it’s the “best way” to get fit.

And if you’ve seen that message, weighed the tradeoffs, and chose nothing, I really don’t blame you.

For those that actually have careers, passions, and hobbies that give you purpose, why would you place training above those?

I think there’s a way to get in great shape, without making tradeoffs with the things that matter most to you. In fact, I think theres a way to get fit that improves every other aspect of your life. 

If your interested to hear more about this approach, send me a message here and I’d love to talk more about your specific goals, what matters most to you,  and how I can create plan that helps you achieve both.
